A Vision Board or A Vision Roadmap?

Would you agree that amassing certificates do not equate competence?

In a sea of resumes boasting certifications, the candidate who can showcase practical skills and a portfolio of real-world projects will instantly stand out. A 2023 report by the World Economic Forum stated that 85% of employers consider demonstrated skills and experience more important than academic qualifications. It’s the difference between saying you can code and actually showing the code you’ve written.

My journey exemplifies the view that certificates don’t guarantee competence. I tackled projects for which I held no official qualifications, relying instead on the skills honed through diverse past experiences.

One such instance involved a 2021 financial due diligence project. We Peakpine Consulting prevented our client from investing a staggering 1.2 billion naira in a risky micro-lending company – a feat achieved not through certifications, but through the skills we actively built and the courage to apply them.

The World Economic Forum’s Future of Jobs Report 2020 predicts that automation will displace 85 million jobs by 2025, while creating 97 million new ones. These new jobs will demand flexible and adaptable skillsets, not just specific certifications.

This summation doesn’t imply that certifications are entirely worthless. Certifications serve as stepping stones, validating foundational knowledge in specific areas. However, relying solely on them can hinder career growth.

Here are ways I’ve prioritized skills development and not certificates amassing;
—I researched the current skills sought after in my industry and compare my current skill level to the jobs I’m targeting.
—I volunteer, take on freelance projects, or participate in workshops to build my skill set in real-world settings.
—I embrace continuous learning, I have never stopped honing my skills.
—I stay updated on industry trends, explore new technologies, and actively seek opportunities to challenge myself.

This will be incomplete without showcasing the resources that has helped me become more hands-on in my industry. Number 1 is YouTube YouTube—my Excel, PowerPoint, Data Analysis, Data Mining Skills was sharpened on YouTube. Yep, you read right, YouTube!!!

There are really experienced professionals offering free practical lessons on almost all the skills you may desire. However, be ready to compare tutors, don’t just settle for one YouTube page, search , read comments and then settle for a few.

To gain hands-on skills on excel, v-lookup, data analysis , financial modeling PowerPoint etc I would recommend @urbizedge on YouTube remember to thank me later.

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1 Comment
July 24, 2023

This strategic reallocation of resources can help companies create a significant competitive advantage.

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